Castles are often seen as romantic, mysterious strongholds, seething with secrets. What hidden chambers or unknown passageways might they hold? What mysteries do they hide within? Castle Ivana invites all of these thoughts into one’s imagination. Situated on a lush tropical island known as Honey Isle, Castle Ivana overlooks the sea. It immediately draws you in. Castle Ivana isn’t like any other club in Second Life. As you pass through the large arched entranceway, your mind is already racing with curiosity.
As you enter, you find yourself in a large ballroom, complete with a welcome area, a stage with dance poles for slaves, large bar for customers and many R&R spots for socializing, relaxation and sexual interactions.
The eye tends to direct itself to two things at once upon entering the castle: The stage and the bar. The stage might have some very sensual activity going on when you enter, because the Castle Slaves often entertain the clients by doing pole dances there… This is a very seductive welcome for the men who frequent the establishment, and it gives them a chance to check out the Slaves, and decide who they desire. These ladies are very friendly and welcome you as you enter.
The bar sits directly across from the stage. There is no question it was created with male clients in mind. The dark wood and leather upholstery promotes images of smoking cigars and a scotch on the rocks. This is a bar for men who know what they want. Here, a man can have a strong drink, relax and watch the ladies dance, and expect to take what he wants when he is ready to take it.
Each room is actually a different skybox set somewhere on the Sim, and Ivana has made entry into each one seamless. If you have access to the rooms, you only need to click on the door and it opens. Then click again, and walk inside. You exit the same way. Only group members have access to the secrets within. Visitors may come and tour the castle, but you must be a member to have access.
There are too many rooms to cover individually right away, so I’ll give you brief brush of some of the ones I visited, but really, each room deserves its own blog article! The details and attention given to each one is bar non.
MODERN ROOM - Has all the lastest things in SL... come sample!
You want to see more rooms you say? You’re still wondering what other toys are in the red vault room? You want to know how some of them work? So many questions!
There are many more secrets and rooms to come. my darlings. This is only your first taste of the Castle Ivana. We will be visiting many more rooms and exploring much more of this SIM in days to come. We can’t give away all of our surprises in just one little blog article can we? Until then, I will leave you to wonder who we will meet next, or what room will be explored… and what secrets are waiting for us next?